I wanted to take this time to thank everyone who came to the shows and to those who helped promote the release of the album. It was great coming back to NSW to do shows, such an amazing crowd, I really am lucky to have the suppor tof each and every one of you. It means the world to me. The release saw my album be featured in sites such as The Age, The Music . Com. Flavour Magazine, Scripted Laces, Stimulate Your Soul, Sounds Of Oz and many more. The album is on high rotation on RRR, PBS and other communtiy radio stations around Australia. Big love to every one.
First and foremost my Mum for being the beacon of guidance to when ever I needed it. I praise you on always making me feel like I could do the impossible. I can’t believe I use to be embarrassed about us not having a lot of money, I am thankful for it, because you bought me up to be critical thinker, a dreamer and a creator. I definelty could not had achieved my dreams without you. My dad, thank you for showing me what it takes to be a musician and giving me a taste of adventure with taking me along to your shows, I think I wouldn’t of had these thighs of you didn’t get me lugging your gear from a young age! My siblings, Lydia and Grace and my big brother Paul for always having my back, I am so lucky to have you. I am very lucky to have the family I have, all my Aunties and Uncles have always encouraged me, so thank you, you created a narcisisstic monster. Haha. Jokes.
The album is dedicated to my Aunty Kerry; she would make me mix tapes of Etta James, Ella Fitzgerald and Irma Thomas for me to listen to. She really opened the door to a lot of music tastes that became my music idols. Always offering the best advice, I remember I came to her about wanting to leave this band but I was scared that it would be a bad idea because it would be so hard to form another band, she looked at me and said “Zoe, do you think this is the only band you will ever play with? Because if you do. Then stay in the band. But let it be known that it will be the only band you will ever play with because you will become complacent. While you are doing that, you will be missing on other opportunities to play with musicians that are more of your taste”. At the time I was still hesitant, but I’m glad I took her advice, her motto was ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’. Because since then I have went on to be in numerous bands, played at festivals, I moved to Melbourne, I performed in NYC, I sang in New Orleans, I recorded two albums, I have supported some of my music idols and most importantly, I felt the fear and I did it anyways.
This album is for you Kerry.
Other thanks for the making of this album go to:
Thanks to everyone who played on the record. There were more then twenty musicians on this album, plus four engineers! Special shout out to Will Gijsbers and Shane Landry for collaborating with some of the songs from the album. Burnham (first name Tim haha) for taking the time to work on my music, thanks mate. Fraser Montgomery from The Aviary Recording Hub for your patience and putting up with my hyper active nature (that’s a really nice way of not say the word ‘crazy’). Nick Guttmann, it goes to you, thank you for your patience!
It is tough being in the music industry, and it is even a little harder being a woman, it seems that if you speak up for your self you are branded a ‘Diva’, sometimes I find this word insulting. So I want to thank every musician who I have worked with who has listened and respected me as an artist and most importantly, as a human.
Mike Bass you also inspire me and I am so thankful to helped out on this project, you are talented beyond words! Ray Angry, Terrence Houston, Shea Pierre, Raja Kasiss, Nick Guttmann, Matt Grodin, And the people in New Orleans that made me want to call it home, thank you for your hospitality: Tiffany and Johnny Woodstock, Mary Behlar, Arielle Prevot, Kermit Ruffins, Jerry Anderson, Buffas at 5am, Alex Murica…actually this is a hard task, everyone I have ever crossed paths with in New Orleans always has a special place in my heart.
Acey, Gleny, Helena, Alice, Carling, Morgan, Erin, Thank you for encouraging me and listening to me bitch and whine over people with out any judgement. Paul Armour for always taking amazing shots of my ass...I mean face. My 20th Century Scandinavia Family, Len, Glen, Ruby, Chris and Jools thank you for keep me gainfully employed so I can afford to pursue my music and data for taking pics of my ass also!
Erin B, Kirsty, Maria you ladies will always be my original version of the A Team. Love you.
I have to also take this moment to the people I have lost along the way who would had loved to hear this album, Uncle Danny, Speighty, Melon, Tommy 9 Fingers, Michelle Jefferies and Merewether Fats. Wow if you guys are all hanging together right now, that is one hell of a party.
Everyone who pledged on the Pozible campaign, legends!
Mark Bolton from MGM Distribution, we got there in the end, even after all my emails! Melinda at Mad Cds, she copped some silly question emails too so I have to give praise when needed there!
The venues who continue to support live music and the community radio stations that help get our music out there.
Cut me some slack, this is long, but so was the time it took for this album to be made.
x Zoe K
I was stoked to have Ray Angry aka Mister Goldfinger lend his magic on one of my songs 'Put It Down'. Blessed to have another hard working, talented musician contribute to the album. Also further compliment that he has worked with an array of amazing acts such as The Roots, Lauryn Hill and many more.
I'll be doing a sneaky little release of this song only through soundcloud so keep your eyes peeled for the release.