Hey there, Zoe here…So as you know I am an independent self financed artist here in the good old US of A. I am so happy with what I have achieved in the two years that I have been here, one of my highlights was performing at the 2019 French Quarter Festival (pictured below, five minutes after coming off stage). So this time of the year among booking gigs, recording, writing, managing and more, it is festival application time. If you were among the amazing crowd that I performed for at this years French Quarter Festival or maybe you might had seen me out somewhere else singing, feel free to head on over to the French Quarter Festival Facebook page and let em know! I have always had the most oppurtunities from hard work and the community of supporters I have in my corner, I appreciate you all and so many thanks! In the mean time I am currently saying NO to Poboys as I get ready to begin filming my video clip to my upcoming single, I cant wait for you all to hear it.
Photo by Cedric Ellsworth, courtesy of The French Quarter Festival.